Sunday, November 22, 2015

1 month

For the first time in all the years I have written my blog, I did it for each day all month! I know not all entries were long, but I pray each one ministered.

I will go back to writing once every few days or maybe daily occasionally. 

Remember God is the answer and the only way.

He is all you need.

He's your everything.

Accept Him if you haven't already.

Time is running out.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sitting in my stand

I'm sitting in the deer stand. Just waiting.

I had a moment before I need to put my gloves back on, because boy it's chilly!

I just wanted to remind you that God IS the answer to any issue you have and any trial you're facing in life.

Trust Him today and allow Him to take Lordship of your life!

Friday, November 20, 2015


Behold, God is my Salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my Salvation.
Isaiah 12:2
Just as Moses sang part of this song on the shores of the Red Sea in Exodus 15:2, so will we, the children of God sing this one day soon!
People, the end is coming.
We have heard it over and over. Some don't believe it. Some do, but do nothing with that information. It isn't just information though, it's a fact that is soon to pan out.
I told my aunt last night I need to do a better job of witnessing to people I see. I may be the only person to ever take the time to witness to them. Same with you.
Our government is setting us up. It's all part of the end times. It's all part of the antichrist to come eventually. It's all part of God's plan. Nobody can deny every part of the Bible is true in every manner.
President George W. Bush said in an interview that Muslims and Christians serve the same God and "we have different routes of getting to the Almighty." When asked if Christians, non-Christians and Muslims all go to Heaven he said "yes we do, we all have different routes of getting there."
The Bible says...
because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14
I have been saved for nearly ten years and I know there is much for me to still learn about God. But, I know this. There is ONLY ONE WAY to God, and that is through JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING GOD. You can't get to Heaven any other way.
Not by the good deeds you've done.
Muslims, giving up your life for "allah" is NOT a "sure way" of entering into Paradise.
You can recite a prayer as many times as you want and give to the needy and fast from food, drink, sex and whatever other craziness you do, but THAT IS NOT GETTING YOU TO HEAVEN.
New Age followers, you are NOT your own God. What a joke.
Hindus, there is NOT multitudes of gods and goddesses. And karma... What a lie.
Catholics, there is not a man you can go to and confess your sins to who can forgive you. There is only one MAN who can do that- His name is JESUS. You simply need to call on HIS name.
Listen, no matter where you are from. No matter your background, I want to tell you something.
Jesus Christ loves you.
He died for you.
He is standing at your hearts door knocking.
Whosoever. He will accept you.
Confess your sins to God. Believe in your heart and you shall be saved.
We will say "BEHOLD!"
It's a verb.
An action.
see or observe (a thing of a person, especially a remarkable or impressive one.)
synonyms: see, observe, view, look at, watch, survey, witness, gaze at/upon, inspect...
Behold, the KING.
Behold, the MESSIAH.
Behold, the HEALER.
Behold, the COMFORTER.
Behold, MIGHT GOD.
Behold, THE LAMB.
Behold, MOST HIGH.
Behold, HOLY ONE.
Behold, TEACHER.
Behold, THE WAY.
Behold, THE TRUTH.
Behold, THE LIGHT.
Behold, CREATOR.
Behold, ROSE of SHARON.
Behold, I AM that I AM.
Behold, The AUTHOR and FINISHER of our FAITH.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

There is something in this house

When I walked into the front door, I knew, there was something in this house!
When I felt that feeling come all over me, I knew it was in there.
I felt a drawing, a tug so soft, yet so urgent on my heart.
I couldn't resist it, I couldn't cover it up or push it away,
there was something in this house!
I looked around and saw nothing, but I knew it was in there.
Who, what or why, I didn't care, for I knew it was going to change me.
My heart broke as I fell to my knees.
I knew in that instant,
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hour and a half

I have an hour and a half until the day is over. 

We are living in that time, too.

There is about an hour and a half left of time people.

Or less.

We are just about done.

Heaven or hell.

Where will you be headed in a "couple hours?"

Just a thought to ponder on.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

27 years

27 years ago I was born, today.
At 4:41 a.m.
Shortly after I was born, my dad went pheasant hunting.
I look back at all that has happened to me in 27 years. And well, that would take 100 books to write the stories without much detail to them.
I would like to share just a few.
Around 2 years old, my mom found me eating rat poison. I was foaming from the mouth looking at her saying, "candy!!!!!"
At 2, 5 and 7 my sister and I both won our age categories of the pageants we were entered in. It is so fun to watch those old home vidoes. I said I wanted to be a "gool alligator" during my onstage question at five years old. (Girl alligator.)
I beleive it was my 5th or 6th birthday, I was given around 14 barbies from my friends at my party!
At 13 my dad took me to NYC to a Chiefs game. It was a wonderful memory.
Chiefs won. Everyone in NY attire wasn't too happy to us.
At 14 I entered into high school and thought I knew everything about everything. I was right and everyone was wrong. I knew what real love was at that age and I even knew who I was supposed to marry! Wow, good thing for me! (Much sarcasm here...) I thought I would be BFF's with my clan of buddies and any boy I thought was cute or showed me any interest was just surely the one for me! Especially if they busted out the big "L" word! (Continuing the sarcasm.)

Well, sadly, my brain did not fully develop until probably closer to 18 years old. And even then I wouldn't always trust my judgment. But, I started having more common sense around 18.
By 16 I was running around with not the worlds greatest crowd. Your typical high schooler crowd you could say. I had a bozo boyfriend or two, and I'm sure they would say I was a bozo girlfriend! Hence, the reason our so called "relationship" lasted about as long as icecream does on a hot summer day! You live and you learn, they say. And at that young age- I learned that a true man wasn't going to be extremely easy to find.

At 17 I got saved. Born again. Leading up to that day, honestly, I can't think of a ton of "happy" memories. In a way, that makes me sad, but in another way- that makes me so happy that I got saved at 17 and not 77. I can now live the rest of my life making meaningful memories.
Year 17 was really big for me.
My family started going to the church they still attend.
I was saved.
I was baptized.
I washed feet for the first time.
I learned to pray and read and worship God.
I opted out of going to my senior year even though I had a ton going for me- so I could focus solely on God.

I fell in love for the first time. Truly. I had thought I loved any given or certain boy from about 12 years old until 16. But, when you feel true love, it's something you can't deny. And being that I was now saved, I knew what true love felt like, and what true love did not feel like.
At 18 that boy asked me to be his wife.
At 19 I married that boy. Grant Daniel. My best friend.

From 19-21 we lived in a camper that sits on a truck that was pulled behind his parents bus! Those were not always extremely easy days, but boy they were fun and rewarding. I was able to pray with many people and see many people set free from the bondages of sin!

At 22 we found out we were expecting our first baby. We had her a month shy of my 23rd birthday.

At 24 a hand specialist said Raylea had what he strongly believed to be a tumor growing inside of her hand. They put her under, took it out and it was not a tumor. It was a cyst. Harmless, only irritating. God touched my baby I believe!
At 25 we experienced a miscarriage. August Shalom Ledbetter is waiting for his/her momma, daddy and brother and sis up in Heaven right now. See you soon, baby.

At 25 we found out we were having little baby again. This time we had many complications, given a 50/50 and "wait and see" chances. He came a month early, had cord wrapped tightly around his neck and doctor had to pinch him to get him to cry. Later we learned a small stroke happened during some point of the delivery. Jack is healthy, happy, and oh so handsome.

At 26 I felt the call to homeschool.

At 27. I believe many special things are going to happen.

Not everyone lives to be 27. So, today I want to rejoice and thank God for these 27 years. Filled with health and happiness and HIM.

Don't take your life for granted.

Give it to Jesus.

It'll all start to make sense if you just give your life to Jesus and accept Him.

For my birthday, all I want is for my lost loved ones and friends to come to know this Jesus, the way in which I know Him. Through His faith, His mercy, and His grace. Full heartedly.


Monday, November 16, 2015


There is a girl who made my day today.
One of my favorite things to do is write people cards/letters. Very seldom do I ever receive one back. That isn't why I write though. I write because I want to minister to someone. Encourage someone. Remind someone that they are special and loved and unique and wanted by me and God!
This young girl read one of my blog posts a while back that talked about how nobody sends cards anymore. Or makes phone calls.
She old me in the letter that I received today that this was her first letter to send out.
She encouraged me when I have needed some encouraging lately.
She ministered to me and she is years younger than me.
She showed love to me when she didn't have to take the time to do so.
Thank you, sweet Precious.
You truly made my day.
Make time today for someone, like she did for me.
I promise, it'll mean the world to them.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


When I feel the Holy Spirit on me, whether when I am praying or singing or listening to a sermon, many times, I can't stay in my skin I feel like! I want to shout from the roof tops!
Many people love going to football, soccer, basketball and baseball games.
Now, you can't tell me when your team scores, that you don't jump up and holler and act slightly crazy sometimes! I know I do! When you are overcome with happiness and joy, it's only normal and natural for you to want to shout, raise your hands and maybe even stomp your feet and run around a little!
We don't realize the holiness of God. At least I know I don't.
Do you know that the angels in Revelation 4 never cease to praise Him? It says "they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
When is the last time you worshiped Him? I love to worship Him with other believers, such as a church service, but I believe for me personally, the best time to worship Him is in reverence and fear of the Creator of all, alone.
I have never thought a single thing about how other people worship. I used to wander why people raised their hands in a worship service until I got saved. And I couldn't help but raise my hands and reach for Heaven. I need and want more of Him. That is just how I worship. Alone or at church. Then you see some who never change their expression. That is fine if that's how they want to worship. Everyone does things differently, but I know for me, I can't contain what I feel on the inside many times.
I bow down when I pray at home. When I stand before God one day, I can't imagine standing. I will want to bow before him in awe and fear and wonder.
Too often though, we pray the same prayers and ask for the same things.
We don't take time to just praise Him for who He is. What He is. That He is.
Instead, we are too caught up in our problems, our goals, our dreams. We are too caught up in us.
I have been very guilty of this. So, I don't write this only for you.
ISIS. They do not worship God. They say they do. Or some "god," I suppose they are talking about. It isn't MY God though. If they do not repent and turn from their wicked ways and accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of their life, they will die and go to hell.
Now, the Bible says the same things about adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like...
Galations 5:21 ends with "they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
Did you read hatred? Idolatry? Fornication? Murders? Drunkenness? Witchcraft?
We are living right there, people. Look at the news. It's filled with these things. It's all around us.
Jesus warned that the way to hell is easy and many will find that path. The way to Heaven though, few will find it.
Ask anyone, they will say they are a Christian 90% of the time. That can't be right, because 90% is not a few, that is many.
Read Romans if you are not a Christian. Study it. Read Romans 10:13.
Read John 3:16. Read Revelation 3:19.
Psalm 95:6 says "let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God;..."
Read John 1:12&13.
John says that we can have a personal relationship with Jesus by believing that he is God!
Face the evil that you have done. Admit that you cannot be God's unless Jesus takes away your dirtiness and makes you acceptable.
After admitting your need, you must next believe that Jesus is the one He said He was and accept Him as your ruler, your Lord.
When one man asked how to be saved, he heard the wonderful response, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved," in the book of Acts.
There is nothing else that anyone can do to be accepted by God. Read John 14:6.
It doesn't matter what you've done, Jesus is faithful to forgive you if you call upon Him.
You can't truly worship Him until you truly make Him Lord of your life. I feel Him inside of me. He is my everything and my all. He's my joy and peace.
Take time today to truly sit down and worship Him.
Don't say a lot if you don't want to.
Think about how big He is. In all His power and mightiness, He still chose to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross for your sins.
That is enough to worship Him for eternity.
However you chose to worship, do it in liberty and truth.
Don't let other people change your mind or opinions. Be led only by the Spirit. That is what I have tried to do my entire 9 years and 8 months of being saved. No matter the circumstance, I simply have tried to be led by Him.
 I remember once feeling so much in the Spirit that I was raising both hands, stomping my feet and then clapping my hands. It was during a song at the church I was saved at. I felt like I could have flown I felt so overwhelmed with God's goodness, joy and love for me!
I could write a list of "heavenly moments" I have experienced, alone and with others, but that isn't what I want to draw attention to.
I want you to come to a place where you can worship the Father in liberty and in truth and in fear of His holiness.
Pray. Seek. Worship. While He may be found!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fighting Sickness

 My little four-year-old, Raylea, and myself have been fighting the stomach bug for the past two days. Every time I'm sick I remind myself of how much I take my health for granted. 

 There are many people who stay sick all the time due to certain illnesses that can't be fixed. I can't imagine feeling bad all the time. A lady at our church always ask everyone to pray for her niece. She was born with leukemia and she just had her second birthday. That makes her the only baby in the world to ever make it past their second birthday who  was born with leukemia. I can't imagine not only with those parents go through every day, but that little girl. She isn't old enough to even understand that she is sick. She has only ever felt sick. She doesn't know what it's like to just feel good. 

 I don't have much energy to write today, but I just wanted us to be reminded today that very likely somebody out there has it worse than we do. As bad as me and my little girl feel right now, we know that we're going to feel better in a day or two. That little baby with leukemia does not have the same promise.

 Take time to thank God for your health. For it could be taken away tomorrow, or next year, or in 30 years. Don't take your health for granted. Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Praying and Fasting

Two months after Grant and I lost our little baby August, due to miscarriage, we fell pregnant again.
I was in the second trimester and had a huge bleed. All sorts of complications and we were just sure we lost this baby that was in my belly.
We cried all night until we went to the doctor.
Grant held my hand as we looked for a lifeless little baby on the screen. We cried again. And much harder.
I didn't want to look on the screen because I knew this image would be in my mind forever and ever.
But, I wanted to see my baby for last time of course, too. Until Heaven.
"I see a wiggly baby with a healthy heartbeat!" Exclaimed the woman doing my sonogram.
We cried and thanked God.
They did find a hemorrhage that occurs in a small percentage of pregnancies.

What made my hemorrhage even more rare and unique though, was the size.
The nurse who worked with high risk patients for over 10 years, told us to our face that she had never seen one even close to that size. I was basically given a "wait and see" outcome. Not very exciting. At all.
I felt the need to fast, but since I was pregnant, that wasn't healthy for me at the time.
I felt a strong calling on my heart though that someone needed to fast.
Who though, Lord?
Grant? no.
My mom? no.
Rhonda? no.
Brooke? no.
Who then, Lord?
He told me in my spirit to ask my very new sister in law, Morgan.  
Her and Gabe had been married about 3 months at that point.
Well, it says in the Bible that certain things will not come about unless you pray AND fast.
This was one of those times.
God not only kept little Jack Gannon safe in my belly until he came out later that year, but He also answered special prayers Morgan had been needing answered.
God works in wonderful ways and I am so thankful that my sister in law was willing to pray and fast for my little unborn baby. Her nephew.
I can't wait to tell him all about it one day, Morgan.
What are you needing answered? Have you prayed and prayed and prayed?
Try praying and fasting.
God will answer you!
Pray the prayer of faith!
That's how you'll see things done!
Have a great and blessed day.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Then Jonah prayed

Have you ever ran from God?
Are you currently running from God?
Jonah ran from God's call on his life.
He was supposed to go preach to the people in Ninevah and he didn't want to.
So, he ran.
Long story short, Jonah hid on a ship, a storm came, he was thrown over board because he was the reason for the storm that was tossing the ship.
God sent a "great fish" to swallow up Jonah. He spent three days and nights there.
Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly,
Jonah 2:1
Jonah prayed and repented and was delivered.
But, I want to zone in on the "then Jonah prayed."
I was running from God at one point, when I wasn't a Christian.
Then Hannah prayed on March 15th, 2006.
God the Father wants to bring you to a place where you are not running anymore, but falling in to his arms.
Put your name here in the blank space.
Then ______ prayed.
Freedom. Fresh air. Hope. Peace. Love.
All begins when you pray.
Stop running from Him.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Give you rest

 We live in a world where there is something constantly going on. Even whenever you and I are sleeping at night, there are millions of people  awake and doing something.  Somebody is on an airplane, somebody is laying in bed staring at their ceiling, someone is sick, someone is dying, someone is crying over there lost a loved one who just passed away that day, someone is working, someone is praying,  and someone is just sitting there. 

 Did you know that Jesus wants to give you rest? Not only physically, but mentally. You can go get the fanciest in most expensive massage, you can go shopping, you can go play golf or fish or hunt, whatever comes your brain down, you can go do that. But, there is nothing in this world that can give you true rest like Jesus Christ. He came to give us rest. This world and life as we know it will one day be over.  In 50 years I will either be in heaven or I will be nearly 77 years old. Let's say I'm in heaven. That will be true, perfect and holy rest.  Let's say I'm still here. I will likely be a great grandma by then and have lots of gray hair. I will be much stronger in the Lord,  even more than I am now, because at that point I will have been saved nearly 60 years instead of nearly 10 years. 

 If you're reading this and you are tired, physically, mentally, or both, I want to assure you that you can find rest in Jesus Christ. Place your trust, faith, and hope in him. All you have to do is except him as your Savior.  He's been waiting so long for you to except him. People have been praying for you to make this decision. Allow him to come into your heart and your life. He wants to dwell inside of you. If you're reading this and for some odd reason I'm not on this earth anymore, just know that I am in heaven.  Jesus Christ is my very best friend and he has given me nearly 10 years of rest. He has held me when I have been alone. He has comforted me whenever I have felt very sad and alone. He has strengthened me when I was weak. He has giving me peace about death and allowed me to not be afraid of the future. 

Jesus Christ is the only one who can give you true rest in life and eternity. You must except him though. Turn from your wicked ways. Choose Jesus. Follow after him.  Make him the Lord of your life. Let him reign in your life.  Trust Jesus. Lean on Jesus. You will never regret it. You will only regret that you didn't make the decision sooner. He wants to give you rest. Finally except his love for you.  I promise, it'll be the best decision you've ever made in your life. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

There is coming a day

Found out a lady has passed away who I was a flower girl for and her babysitter for her kids when I was a teen.

You know what.
There is coming a day...


There’s coming a day when no heartaches shall come 
No more clouds in the sky 
No more tears to dim the eye 
All is peace forever more 
On that happy golden shore 
What a day, glorious day that will be 

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see 
When I look upon His face the one who saved my by His grace 
When He takes me by the hand and leads me to the promised land 
What a day, glorious day that will be 

There will be no sorrows there 
And no more burdens to bear 
No more sickness and, no more pain 
No more parting over there 
And forever I will be with the one who died for me 
What a day, glorious day that will be 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ray and Jack

 Sundays are always a little crazy. Raylea is on my back at the moment, and Jack is pulling on my hair. I am laying down on her floor in the bedroom in case you're wondering what I'm doing.  

 There is so much to love about these two kids. Raylea Jo is so kind and caring to me. Jack wants me to hold him literally all the time. I can arm wrestle a sumo wrestler with my left arm and probably beat them because I carry him on my left side most of the day. 

 I'm not going to be able to make this a very long blog today but I do want to say that I love my children and I'm so thankful for them. There is no other job in the whole world but I would rather have him to be a stay at home wife/mom. 

 Take time to love and care for your family today. Give them a big hug and just let them know that you care. Have a great Sunday!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vicious to Victorious (married couple advice)

So many marriages have been falling apart lately. Dropping like flies. Not sure what that's all about, but I do know that marriage isn't easy all the time even as a Christian, married to a Christian.
I have been married nearly eight years and the best advice I feel I could give a young newly wed couple, would be this.
If you don't meet each other's needs, you'll fall into a vicious cycle.
If you do meet each other's needs, you'll fall into a victorious cycle.
Now, you may say, that isn't advice! That's just a statement.
Well, read it a few times and you'll soon see that it is wonderful advice if you take it to heart.
Not many people want talk about any failure they have had.
I am for sure one of those people! Who wants to admit they were wrong? Man, not me.
But, part of my daily walk with God consists of admitting I'm wrong all the time, and depending on Him for help. So, that's gotten a little easier.
Something that your man needs, wives, is sex.
It doesn't matter that you're tired, that he was rude to you most of the day or that you haven't showered. It isn't going to help you out by withholding something like that.
Grant would much rather me withhold his dinner (steak (bone in), mashed potatoes and gravy, and corn on the cob and sweet tea) than withhold sex.
Not only does your man need it, he needs you to need and want it too.
Our society has turned sex into something so dirty and perverted, just like they have tried to turn everything that God intended to be holy, into something bad.
God wants you and your spouse to experience great pleasure! He made the marriage relationship to be a safe place to enjoy, experiment and explore! Sex is meant to be heavenly and holy and truly fulfilling in all aspects.
Show love to your spouse in the bedroom. Don't do anything that would down grade them or disrespect them. Don't do anything unnatural.
God wants you to have freedom with your spouse, and your spouse only!
Ladies, stop saying no, or soon, he will stop asking.
Men, I don't feel comfortable telling a man what to do, and I also feel that's not my place, but I will give the simple advice while we are on the sex subject...
Romance her. Kiss her throughout the day. Don't expect anything in return. Give her a hug and thank her for all she does and tell her how much you appreciate her. Take over washing the dishes one night. Open a door for her and treat her like a lady.
After a day of that, I promise, if she still says no to you at the end of the day, there must be something wrong with this woman.
But ladies, whether or not he does any of that, it's still your job as his wife to fulfill and meet that need that is very important to him.
Date your spouse.
I'm sure you've heard this one before, but it's very important.
Every week or two, Grant and I have either his parents or my parents watch the two kids and we go on a date. If our parents can't, we get a babysitter. It's very important that you get alone and have time to just talk, hold hands in the car instead of having to hand a kid a toy or sippy cup, and have someone else cook a meal for me. :)
Grant is so good at writing me little notes every now and then and leaving them on the fridge or on the counter. He is also good at buying me little presents randomly. I need that. That is my main love language according to that book... GIFTS! I love, love, LOVE gifts. I love to give gifts too, which they say whatever you do to show love is how you FEEL loved. It can be a dollar item, I still feel just as loved as if it were $100.
Find out how your spouse feels loved and show it! Love isn't just a word, it's an action!
For God so loved the world that He....
John 3:16
Give to your spouse! Pray and ask God to show you how to show love to them if you truly don't know or if you need God to give you the desire.
Put your spouse above yourself.
I am still working at this. I have two kids to take care of and at the end of the day, I am tired. It doesn't always come 100% naturally for me to ask Grant if he needs anything or if I can get him a drink. (water or tea, I'm not talking about something alcoholic... I am ANTI anything alcoholic, and that's because it isn't of God and He wouldn't do it, so why should we?!) Okay, back to Grant. I just need a little reminding to myself that I need to put him above me!
Here's a few ideas.
Before sex, ask if you can rub their back.
While they are showering in the morning, make sure they remembered to put a towel by the shower door to dry off.
Pick up their dirty socks. It's not that huge of a deal.
Pick up your dirty socks. It's not that huge of a deal.
Let your wife sleep while you go rock the baby back to sleep at 3a.m.
Pray over them. Often.
Make them breakfast and make it special.
(Even if you have to get up at 5am before he leaves for work.)
Respect her in front of others. Not only will you be showing them how much she means to you, but you will also be proving how much of a true man you are.
Watch the kids so she can go hunt. (Yep, Grant is doing that for me tomorrow.)
Make their coffee in the morning and ask them how much creamer.
Buy her some roses just because.
Rub his shoulders even when yours are aching.
Forgive each other.
Grant and I have had some ups and some downs, as any marriage does.
But the best thing we have learned is to forgive and forgive quickly.
Sometimes people say things they don't mean. And it can be hurtful! I have been on both ends. I am sure we all have said things hurtful and we have been told things hurtful, at some point or another.
It's important that you can quickly say sorry and also that you're willing to quickly forgive!
I know I have only been married a short amount of time compared to many, but I felt led to share the few things I have learned over the eight years of marriage I have had.
I hope this helped someone and you can apply it to your marriage.
God made marriage to be between a man and a wife.
"what therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."
Matthew 19:6
God joins together a man and woman, never a man and man or woman and woman.
So, this advice was for couples that are married who are a man and woman.

Finding Peace

There are so many people who are unhappy.

Next time you walk through the grocery store, just look at people's faces.

You may find a smile or two, but usually its forced or fake. Or both.

People are looking for peace whether they realize it or not.

They are searching for a quiet place they can rest.

Relationships. Drinking. Drugs. Money. Popularity.

They think those things will bring them peace.

But they don't and they don't.

I'm married to an awesome Christian man. He loves me and I love him.
But, he is not where I can safely draw peace from.

I have friends who love me. My parents love me. My siblings love me.

Again, they can't give me the peace my soul longs for.

My birthday is coming up, and I will admit, although the older I get, the fewer gifts I receive, I still love a present to unwrap and a birthday card in the mail!
Presents don't give me a peace though.

I have went through some happy times. I have went through some sad and lonely times.

The only one who gave me a peace during those valleys and mountain tops- was God

Jesus Christ.

He is the answer to any problem in your life. 

He loves you.

Yes, he loves you.

Let Him be your everything.

He won't force Himself on you.

He's a gentleman.

Just ask. You will have to true happiness and peace.

He's given it to me.

And He wants to give it to you if you just accept Him and His love.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

So much to do

 Today is kind of a crazy day. I have been going nonstop and I feel like I haven't got much done. Do you ever have those type of days? Grant and I have a couple friends coming over for Denmark tonight and I making them potato soup with dinner rolls. They are bringing the dessert.

 Have you ever just sat down and took a breath? 

There is so much to do today and will be more to do tomorrow.

Take time to thank those who make time for your and love those who love you and who don't love you!

Just take some time today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

From my mom

“Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.”
‭‭James‬ ‭5:19-20‬

My mom shared this with me today so I wanted to share it with you. If you see anybody struggling around you, take time to minister to them, encourage them, and a lift them up! Help save their soul my mom shared this with me today so I wanted to share it with you. If you see anybody struggling around you, take time to minister to them, encourage them, and a lift them up! 

 Pray that God will lead you to someone and show you someone who is a lost sheep and needing led back to God's flock. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Not a ton of time today

I am sorry ahead of time for how short this post is going to have to be.
My four year old is very excited about cleaning the house and has a oven mitten soaking wet dripping throughout the house as she washes down anything in sight. And I mean anything.
Jack's cowboy boots, toys, the coffee table... it's all getting a nice little bath right now.
Jack is being Jack. So, he's all over the place. Praise the Lord for that!
I wanted to quickly tell you that God loves you.
You aren't alone.
You are a good mom.
You are a good friend.
You are a good daughter.
You are a good sister.
You are a good husband.
You are a good cousin.
You are a good wife.
You are doing a good job.
Stop beating yourself up.
Hope that was for someone.
I'm trusting that it is.

Monday, November 2, 2015


I just had Raylea go to her room because she was playing behind me and I couldn't even read my Bible and understand what it was saying.
I considered her to be a distraction in that moment.
Or was she?
She's in her room, and I can still hear her playing.
Is she still distracting me? Honestly, a little bit.
Once you have kids, you never have a "you" moment again.
And I'm happy for that.
I was selfish and immature before kids honestly. I thought way too much of myself, my things, my hobbies and my life. Now, I have children to focus on and raise. Now, if you're single, or married but have no kids- I'm not saying you're selfish or immature. I'm talking about me. I talk about myself a lot, and I'm pretty bluntly honest. So, don't take what I say personal, I'm just telling you about myself. Plus, I likely don't even know you since ten Russians read my posts yesterday!
Anywho, back to what I was saying. After focusing on Grant, making sure his needs were met, I was able to shop, hang out with friends, go on lunch dates, sit around and watch tv... you get the picture. Life was able to be about Hannah.
At least that's how I made it most of the time. I didn't even realize how selfish I was until I had Raylea and realized how much time I spent taking care of me, not someone else.
I looked at Raylea as a distraction because I was trying to study for my daily blog post I have been trying to put up and I had been reading only about 10 verses when she started playing so loudly and I couldn't consecrate.
Don't you think God would like a quiet moment sometime? Well, probably not, but I'm just trying to get you moms who view your kids as a distraction all the time or just once in a while (like me) to see that they aren't a distraction at all. Sure, we can make them in a position where they are distracting us from God and our spouse, but that is on us, not the kid.
I was going to write about Job. Then about Adam and Eve. Then, I sent Raylea to her room and I realized I needed to write about her.
There is so much social media. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Pinterest. Myspace. Or does Myspace still exist? Snapchat. Is that considered social media? Well, you catch my drift.
I am a one track mind. If you have social media I'm not judging you. Grant has a cousin who recently started putting videos on YouTube and Facebook that are mini sermons and they are reaching lots of people. Social can be great. For me, though, all that stuff distracts me. I tried getting rid of Instagram for a  month, then a week, then a year, then I would get it back. I always found myself spending too much time on it, at times that I could be getting more done, focusing on my family, resting my mind, reading my Bible, praying, writing an encouraging note to a friend... like I said, I am a one track mind type of person and therefore, if I'm glued staring at my phone, that's all I'm going to want to focus on.
Maybe social media doesn't distract you in a negative way. Or effect you in a negative way.
Let's say it's a hobby. You spend hours each week doing this, when you can't even make it to your little girl's softball game.
Take a break from that hobby, feller.
Hunting. Fishing. Shooting guns. Shopping. Talking on the phone. Watching Netflix.
If something is distracting you in a negative way, ask your self if it's also effecting you in a negative way. If the answer is yes, I would suggest dropping whatever that is. It may be a relationship. Maybe it's even with a Christian guy or girl who you have been dating or even engaged to.
If that person or thing or hobby or website isn't helping you spiritually, get rid of it.
Get rid of it. Plain and simple. Blunt and to the point. How I like things.
Well, what will I do with my free time then, Hannah?
Find something that effects you in a positive way.
Start a ministry of cooking weekly for a family.
Write people cards. Everyone loves a card in the mail.
Spend time with your kids. I'm going to be homeschooling Raylea starting next year, and I could always spend more time with her.
Thank you for taking the time to read this today, I hope this was a positive distraction for the two minutes it took you to read it.
I wanted to give a shout out to those of you in Russia reading my blogs lately. I have no clue how you came across them, but I am thankful you did. Several others from different countries have read them too, but next to the USA, Russia has been the country who has given me the most views.
Whether you're from the USA, like myself, or across the world, we are all created by and have the same one true God has our one true King. He is the ONE MIGHTY HOLY FATHER of ALL.
Whether you make Him that in your life, doesn't change what he is. Just because someone says there is no God, doesn't mean that He isn't the God over them. He is God over all. We have the free will to accept Him as our Lord, but regardless, HE IS GOD OF ALL.
Accept Him into your life. Repent of your sins if you haven't! Cry out to Him while there is still time!
In 100 years we all will be dead and will be spending eternity somewhere.
or hell.
I will be in Heaven.
Where will you be? Make sure you know and make sure you're ready to meet the Lord!
He is coming for us! BE READY.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sitting in the deer stand

Well, I thought I would get tomorrow's blog written today since tomorrow is church and since I will be sitting here for the next 2.5 hours. I've already been sitting for 30 minutes.

By reading the title I'm sure you know where I'm at! 

The deer stand!

Well, I wrote a blog a while back about how the devil is kind of like how we are, (we, as in, we hunters.) I understand not everyone hunts or likes it. But hear me out for a second.

I'm no true hunter. I will fess up and be honest.

I don't know what kind of bow or gun to buy or how to sight them in.

I don't know what kind of bullets to with what gun or arrows go with what bow!

I have a crossbow with me right now. And I am pretty confident with shooting it- although I'm not a perfect shot. But, for the past two years, I have sit in this same stand and each time, killed myself a buck.

This is my dads property. His deer stand and the corn pile that this hopefully sweet looking nine pointer is going to come to--- yep, that's his too.

He drove me back here on his mule, (the four wheeler crossed with a golf cart looking thing, not a donkey type animal!) and he carried the bow up for me and then I climbed up about 16 steps to this little one person seat. 

Since its Halloween, and we all know that's one of Satan's favorite days... I have been thinking about all the evil spirits and demons going overboard having a blast this week and especially day. 

As I sat here I started thinking to myself as I do each year, of different scenarios that could happen when a deer starts to walk up. As I started to climb this stand I noticed some tracks at my feet. When dad got down from putting my bow in the tree-  I asked him if those were for sure deer tracks. He said "yep." The deer had already eaten a good amount of the corn that my brother out out last night. There were signs of deer without me seeing one yet. 

As I sit here and I'm imagining scenarios that may happen in about an hour and a half- right before dark likely- I look back behind me and study about how far the trail is that the deer was on that I killed last year. About 30 yards. Same as the distance from the corn pile. Two years ago it walked right in front of me and I shot him at about 25 yards. I grabbed the bow as he was behind a large tree and moved very slowly as I took the safety off and started following him through the trees. 

The devil is a lot like the hunter when it comes to killing.

I don't plan on shooting this deer in the leg or the nose, or even in the middle of its gut- no, I plan on shooting it right in the heart so it'll die. I don't want to wound it. That would be pointless to me. And make me sad! I want to take it home as a trophy deer to hang on our wall!

Satan doesn't want to injure you or shoot you through the leg. 

He doesn't want to make you and you husband argue- he wants to make you cheat on him so you'll end up getting a divorce.

He doesn't want to make you smoke cigarettes- he will maybe start you out with that- but he wants you to get into selling drugs and get busted and spend 20 years in prison. 

He doesn't want to make you feel like you're ugly or fat or skinny- nope- he wants to make you commit suicide because you believe you are truly worthless and disgusting.

Satan doesn't want you to lose sleep over your children- he wants you to become phyisically sick over  them and lose weight, muscle tone and strength to where you're hospitalized and then get a deadly illness that isn't cured.

I took a scent free shower and washed my clothes in scent free detergent. My dad sprayed my down with a special spray that takes away any scent or odor right before I climbed in the stand. 

I prepared for this hunt.

Satan is preparing for you. He has been preparing a lot longer than how long I prepared for today. Even if I was the one to have put the stand up, bought the bow and the arrows, sighted it in and bought or leased the land to hunt on, put cameras and corn out... That preparation comes no where close to the Devils preparation for his hunt for you. 

He is watching and waiting. He has practiced his shot and perfected it. 

Well, how do I stay out of his scope then if he's been hunting me for so long!?

Be on guard and put on the whole armour of God.

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-18‬

Read and meditate and memorize this. 

Have a wonderful weekend.