Thursday, July 21, 2016

In the Wilderness

With the Believer, everything is a test. How will we act? How will we react?
Today, if you want something, you can usually find a way to get it.
New car? Head to the dealer.
Don't have the money? Head to the bank for a loan.
Cheeseburger? McDonalds.
(sorry, I am six months pregnant and that just came to my mind...)
Clothes? Drive to the mall in your new car while you eat your cheeseburger.
Get my drift?
The want it/get it mentality we Americans are used to makes it tough for God to speak to us. We usually have little reason to trust Him when we are placing matters into our own hands in every situation.
It's so easy to say we trust God, yet we take care of a matter ourselves.
We have mostly everything we want.
Everything looks and feels good.
Fresh food sitting in your cold refrigerator, half of it will go to waste because you'll be eating out so often.
Clothes packed away in tubs because your closet can't hold them all.
Painted nails and new hair.
New lawn mower, way cooler than your neighbors of course.
Getting paid over time. Vacations. Endless shopping. Usually online so you don't have to leave your house.
Hunting. Fishing. Golf. And all the stuff that goes with it.
Air conditioning in your car.
We have it easy, people.
I opened up to this scripture randomly, and several things jumped out at me...
let's first read the text.
All the Commandments which I command you this day shall you observe to do, that you may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers.
And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, and to prove you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His Commandments, or no.
And He humbled you, and suffered you to hunger, and fed you with Manna, which you knew not, neither did your fathers know; that He might make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds out of the Mouth of the Lord does man live.
Deuteronomy 8:1-3
Well, that's convicting.
I thought of times I felt I was in the wilderness, so to speak. I'm almost 28, so obviously I wasn't wandering for no forty years. I wasn't without food, a home or clothes.
But, I thought of times I felt I was left alone, even forgotten.
It's in the wilderness that God wants to humble you. Prove you. To know what is really in your heart. To know if you will really obey Him. To let you learn that it isn't by bread alone that you will survive, but by every single word from the very Mouth of God.
Have you ever been abandoned by someone? Your father? Your mother? Your spouse?
That's a wilderness.
Have you ever been so low on funds that you can't pay rent, can't put gas in the car and can't feed your little children staring up at you?
That's a wilderness.
Have you ever been molested, perhaps continually by someone who you thought was there to keep you safe?
That's a wilderness.
Have you ever been betrayed by your closest friend?
Have you ever felt so down on yourself that you sat alone at your house with a gun held to your head?
Have you ever messed up as a parent and years later, your adult child still doesn't want a relationship with you?
Have you ever felt condemnation for sin that you've asked for forgiveness for, but you just don't understand how God really could forgive and forget such a dirty lifestyle? Or maybe a sneaky lie?
Have you ever woken up after being married for 25 years only to find out that day; that your spouse has been living a double life?
Has your baby ever been diagnosed with an incurable disease?
Have you ever had to lose a baby in your stomach in which you've never met?
Has someone ever attacked your looks? Made you feel even worse about yourself?
Have you been told by the doctor that "you'll never be able to have your own children?"
Have you ever lost your home in a fire?
Have you ever sat on the side of the road, holding a cardboard sign in the middle of a winter storm, wandering if anyone would believe your story and just offer you enough money to get you a single warm meal?
Those are all wildernesses.
Some ask, why do bad things happen? If God were love and if He loved me, then why are these things happening?
I don't have the answer.
I do have this scripture though, which tells me, that through trials, He strengthens His children. Through the fire, He turns us into gold. Through persecution, He is building us up to be mighty warriors of the Cross. Through the wilderness, He is learning what is in our hearts...
What are you facing right now?
Is your future up in the air? Not sure which road to take?
Let me ask you this, are you being obedient to what God asked of you? Often times we want to point our fingers at others or even at God if "His will" isn't quickly revealed to us, but God is so much bigger than that. He is personal. He will speak to you in a still, small voice. And not usually when we are expecting it.
Just a few nights ago, Raylea and I lay in bed as we do every night during our reading and prayer time. She said, "Mom, why can't I hear God talk to me?" I said, "what do you mean?" She looked up towards the ceiling and said, "God, how much do you love me?" Then she turned her head and looked back at me and said, "See? He didn't say anything."
She tends to ask me the hardest, most deep questions when my brain is the most tired.
I thought for a moment and then explained to her that God doesn't usually speak to us in a voice like what her and I use, but if we are still and listen, we can hear His voice in our heart. So, she sat there and was quiet and said, "Okay, He told me He loves me bigger than the world."
Same goes for me. And you. God will speak to you. Sometimes He wants to do more than just speak to you during the wilderness. He wants to get to know you. The question is, do you mind letting Him?
God is about to do something amazing in your life. Sure, you may be right smack dab in the middle of the hardest storm of your life... but remember, it get's the darkest before the dawn.
 It's easier said then done, it's much easier to say we trust God and will obey Him until our back is up against a wall. Then a few years later, it's up against a different wall. But, I want to encourage (that means to cheer, uplift, and fire up!) you today, whoever may be reading this, that things may look bad, they actually look awful, but if you place your hopes and dreams along with your trials and pains into the hands of God, He will lead you out of the wilderness when it is best for you.

He's humbling you. He's proving you. He's learning what's in your heart and if you will truly obey Him.

Keep your head held high, the King of Kings is turning you into gold.

Grant stood in Oklahoma sometime ago with his Uncle Zane, as he told him about how he built with this old weathered tin as a boy. Grant took a big sheet of it home to make him something special. Just recently, Grant made a cross and a crown of thorns out of it. He wrote on the back a special message to his Uncle Zane, explaining how while he was a young boy building a chicken coop with this tin, God was building Zane up to become a mighty builder for His Kingdom one day.
So, as you see, perhaps his Uncle Zane felt as a young boy he would never amount to much or be used greatly as he built with that tin. But, today, he's in the middle of building a larger church because they've outgrown the one they are in! (I also was saved and baptized at his Uncle Zane's church.)
Don't let your stinkin' thinkin' or the naysayers you may have surrounded yourself by, persuade you any longer that you won't be used by God. It's hard to see it while you're in the wilderness, but he's making you into exactly what He wants and needs you to be. Don't question Him.


Friday, July 15, 2016

Morgan's Story- A testimony of a heart changed

I am honored to write on my sister-in-law Hannah's blog.
Hannah, you are such an annointed woman of God in everything you do. Thank you for being 100% REAL in your walk with God.
I have asked God to show me what to write about. And as I have read scripture, everything I read I think "Wow! I want to write about this." But, of course you can only say and talk about so many things on one blog before people get completely bored and confused and leave the site completely. I will keep this short and simple!
As I slipped my head in my daughters bedroom door while she was taking her afternoon nap, I couldn't hardly stand there much longer as my eyes filled with tears and my heart swelled with pride. I felt such a strong warmth of Gods love wrap around me like an oversized furry blanket during a winter snow storm sworming about. 
I immediately went to the altar that I have in my bedroom and knelt. I thanked God for loving me even when I was a stubborn girl who thought time was in my hands. I did what satisfied my flesh and was decided that I would get saved when I was older. (Salvation doesn't work that way)
As I was praying in my room today, my mind went back to the night that I was changed forever; at a Tuesday night youth service. The preacher preached, but the message I can not remember. During the altar call I recognized before God my brokeness that I had been living with for a long time and I was only becoming more broken each day I lived without Christ as my saviour. 
Standing infront of the altar of the church, all I could see in my mind was Jesus Christ standing up looking down at me with his arms opened wide. The most tender look was in His eyes. I knew what He was doing. What He had been doing for a long time; waiting for me to jump in His arms and be rescued from sin and bondage! All I could get out of my mouth in the midst of crying was "Thank you for still loving me. Thank you for still loving me." over and over as I gave my heart completely over to Christ. I had never been so grateful for such merciful love in my life. I was free! Free forever.  I didnt care anymore what people thought. It wasnt worth living alone any longer and it certainly wasnt worth eternal death in hell.
If you havent ever heard or maybe have forgotten, Jesus loves YOU!

My dear friend, right now, take a quick trip down memory lane, and I do mean quick. Don't dwell on your past sins longer than just to repent (If you haven't already) and thank God for STILL loving you! No matter what youve done. No matter the people you have hurt or who has hurt you and you have been carrying around unforgiveness.
He's standing here with arms open wide waiting to rescue you!
Please don't miss this opportunity to be forgiven. Cleansed. Free forever. 
God can make brand new what Satan has torn down and nearly destroyed.
II Corinthians 5:17 
"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away behold all things are become new."
This verse has encouraged me so many times! Old things are passed away!! I and everything in me became new when I surrendered my life to Christ! The old me is gone. Thank you Jesus!
My only desire is to worship you, Lord. I pray that when your eyes come across me, you find a heart that is just like yours. In Jesus name!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ray, a man of Faith

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9
Oh, Ray, the things you're seeing right now that God prepared for YOU.
Ray Torres went to be with the Lord a few hours ago. I not only was privileged enough to go to church and worship with Ray, but I also got to work with him at my job for two years.
Ray came down with cancer a few months ago. He is a fighter but for whatever reason it may be, the Lord wanted Ray to come to Heaven to be with him.
When I worked with Ray, I got to see a man who lived it. I mean, he lived Christ-like on the job, and I worked with him for a whole two years. I watched some customers be short with him, and him keep a smile on his face and never lose his cool. I never saw him get angry. Only kindness came out of Ray. Not too many people can I recall that being the case.
When I was pregnant with Raylea, I had horrible morning sickness, (which lasted all day.) I was having to leave work once and he stopped me before I left and asked if he could pray for me. It was a large business we worked at, and there were people standing all around. He didn't care one ounce. He asked a few people that he knew were Christians as well to join him. It meant so much to me that a man cared about me just being upset at my stomach!
Another time at work, it was closing hour and since he was the manager he had to wait until I had everything put up. A horrible storm rolled in and we got stuck there! I have never owned a "fancy" car, but I have always cared for and taken much pride in whatever vehicle I was driving! I had a little Honda car that had liability insurance on it and baseball size hail was pounding everywhere outside. Ray's vehicle, along with all the other company cars were able to fit into the garage, but mine was left outside in the middle of the parking lot. I was so upset because I knew my car would be ruined and probably windows smashed. Street signs were even flying in the air! Ray said real calm, yet boldly, "Well, let's just pray and ask God to protect it." I am sure my eyes got big as I looked at him in shock. I definitely wasn't having faith in that moment as I watched my car being pounded, and at that point we had to get away from the windows because we were worried it may break. So, Ray prayed. I can't remember if I prayed or not, but I knew regardless of what I prayed, my car would be totaled!
The storm eventually passed and we walked outside. I stood in shock as me and Ray walked around my car looking for just a SINGLE dent. A single mark! NOTHING! Houses all over South Wichita had to have their siding and roofs completely replaced because damage was so bad. It was Ray's prayer of faith that saved my car that day!

He wasn't amazed at all and just kept laughing at me because I was in SO much shock! That situation increased my faith!

Ray has always been very good to mine and Grant's kids. Raylea has called him "Mr.Ray" for as long as she could talk and he always met her before or after service at church to give her a jolly rancher or whatever candy he had brought for her that day. Today when I told her he went to Heaven, she wanted to put on the gold boots he got for her 4th birthday. At Jack's first birthday party, Garrett, my brother in law, had brought his horse down to the barn where the party was held. While Jack was opening his gifts, Ray came in the barn on top of the horse! It was a good laugh we all had!
I could tell many stories of how Ray has been good and kind to me, Grant and my kids. So could anyone else who knew him.
Ray was one of my very good buddies and I miss him so much already.
A few weeks ago when Grant and I got in from a vacation, Ray was doing bad at the hospital, so we went to see him before heading on home. I stood over him and cried and cried. Grant sang to him as we held his hands, "What a day that will be." Ray had the sweetest grin on his face the whole time.
And what a DAY, TODAY IS!
I hugged him tight and he said, "I love you, Hanny." He always called me that.
Here is Raylea today, right after she put her boots on that Ray got her last October.
We love you, Ray, you man of FAITH! We will see you SOON!!!!
At my birthday dinner in 2010. I can hear Ray's laugh now!