Tuesday, June 27, 2017

There's a lot of people, talkin bout people

There is this song I recently heard called "Rocks." It simply talks about how you don't need to be pointing out others' sins when we all have fallen short.
Now, I believe there is a time and place to go to someone in love and confront them about their sin.
I won't go into examples, but I am forever thankful for people coming to me in love and explaining why something is wrong or could potentially hurt my witness or mostly my walk with the Lord. As a young Christian eleven years ago, I stuck close to a lady named Tessa. She taught me things about God and about the dangers of keeping the smallest of sins in your life, that to this day, I have never forgot and it helped shape me into the Christian I am today. She never used the word "sanctification" but she taught me it with her own life. I rarely see her anymore, but any time I do, I make sure to give her a big hug around the neck...
Something that hurts worse than anything though, is people who will come to you in a "holier than thou" form and make you feel that you are the scum of the earth because of something you did, said or wore.
It doesn't say in the Bible, "thou shalt not wear short shorts, string bikinis and cleavage bearing shirts."
and for the guys... it doesn't say "thou shalt not wear muscle shirts or no shirt at the pool."
or, "don't drink alcohol."
"don't listen to secular music."
"don't get tattoos."
"don't pierce your nose."
"don't look at pornography."
"don't gossip about others."
well... it nearly says some of that..
"don't flip people off when they cut you off on the highway."
"don't yell at your wife."
"don't cuss."
"don't make others feel worthless."
"don't be lazy."
"don't this or don't that..."
"don't have anger problems."
You catching on?
We often point our finger at the person with the drinking problem or the girl who is sleeping around. I don't mean to sound harsh, but when a person gets saved, it doesn't take ages for their desires and their actions or even their looks to change. It says in the Bible that the old man will die and they will be a new man! With a new heart! Do you know the night my dad left a bar and went home he surrendered himself to God and he never went back into that lifestyle. It wasn't because he made up his mind and had a strong enough will. No... when someone likes to drink, they don't just "stop" overnight. My dad came in contact with the ALCOHOL Deliverer! The MARRIAGE Restorer and the CHAIN Breaker!
It took work, daily work and him laying down his pride to get to where he is today.
Can you imagine if right after he got saved if someone would have come to him and said "What? You had a drinking problem? What on earth are you doing going to a football game? Don't you know that alcohol is all around there? Are you just wanting to fail? What's wrong with you?"
I am making that little scenario up but stuff like that happens all the time with new Christians and "babes in Christ." They are on the milk, treat them kind and be patient and lead by example, not by condemning and judging.
I had lots of unsaved friends who I spent time with right when I got saved. Tessa and a lady named Anna explained to me that they will only bring me down. They didn't say "Hannah, you're not a Christian if you hang out with these people." They read scripture to me and used examples of themselves and others and made me see the reality of how friends can effect you positively or negatively.
I don't mean this hateful, and if you know me personally, you know me  enough to know that I am NOT a judgmental person... but if someone is drinking or sleeping around or cussing out their kids or lying... there's a pretty good chance they haven't ever been saved. I might ruffle some feathers saying that... but my goodness. Jesus ruffled some feathers enough that the crowd cried CRUCIFY.

So, instead of pointing your finger or judging, why don't you witness to the person?? Invite them over for dinner. Show them the love of Christ. WIN THEM TO THE LORD! That is EVERY Christians calling in life.. to lead others to the Lord. When is the last time you've led someone? Last week? Last month? Ten years ago?
Don't point at others in a CONDEMNING way. Instead, go to them in love and with another person if you feel led to. If it's a situation in your church, first ALWAYS go to the Pastor. Don't take matters into your own hands. There is authority at your church for a reason.
What the Bible does say, is that God is Holy. It says He is coming back for a Church that is without blemish or wrinkle. It says few will find their way to Heaven. It says many will find their way to destruction.
Read His WORD. That is how He will speak to you! God is the Judge and He is HOLY.
We can't be perfect, that is impossible. But, we can live a lifestyle that helps reflect the holiness and goodness of the Savior of the World by allowing the Holy Spirit to sanctify us. Each day is a new day and a new day to seek Him and find out what you can be doing to add to His Kingdom and to be the example to your wife, your kids, your parents, your friends... that you need to be, perhaps to help see them saved! YOUR life speaks volumes.
God is LOVE. That is true. But, He also is our Judge and we will all stand before Him one day.
by: The Isaacs
There's a lot of people, talkin bout people. Lookin down on everybody actin like they're sitting on a steeple. Keeping on their own faults, locked up in a big vault. Forgetting that God don't need a combination to see it all.

 Raise your hand if you ain't ever done nothin wrong, that's what I thought.

Rocks are heavy. They hurt people you love, and it's so easy reachin' down and pickin' 'em up but I ain't gonna throw no stones at nobody, don't wanna get hit by a ricochet, ain't got no room for no rocks in my pockets, anyways.

He just sat there Drawin' on the ground beside her, she was caught red-handed and man they all couldn't wait to stone her, now I'm just paraphrasin', but Jesus said "wait a minute, step right up and be the first to throw If you ain't done some sinnin" one by one, they all dropped their stones and went home.

Rocks are heavy, they hurt people you love and it's so easy reachin' down and pickin' 'em up but I ain't gonna throw no stones at no body, don't wanna get hit by a ricochet, ain't got no room for no rocks in my pockets anyways.

Rock of ages, sweet sweet corner stone, was meant to be a place to hide and not somethin we throw. So I ain't gonna throw no stones at nobody, cause I need grace to make everyday, ain't got no room for no rocks in my pockets, got no room for no rocks in my pockets, got no room for no rocks in my pockets, anyways.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017



I apologize for not posting something in a while.
Mine and my husband's life has taken a little bit of a turn recently. Or a detour... not really sure.
But, we are walking by faith. It's so good to know the Master of the wind.
And to know that He knows me.
A wise man once said,
God does not require us to understand His will, just to obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.
That is our problem often times. We think circumstances need to be easy, comfortable and reasonable.
I go back and read about men and women in the Bible, who were on a mission for the Lord.
Noah. I'm sure that sounded pretty crazy to build the first ever boat. A mighty large one, I might add.
As his mother, I'm sure Jochebed was a little nervous about placing her little baby in a basket and sending him down the Nile River.
Jonah. Esther. David. Mary. John.
They all had a mission.
I don't sit here, on my end of the internet line on my laptop and try to sound spiritual or that I know more than someone else. Nope. Not me.
But, what I am doing, along with my husband, we are praying and reading God's Word. I feel like that's how we are supposed to communicate with the Lord.
We pray to Him. He speaks back when we read His Holy Word.
If you are praying for God's perfect will in your life and it doesn't line up with HIS word and HIS commandments then you might as well save your breath.
Example: "Lord, please show me if you want me work at the Casino and witness to those people at the slots."
"Lord, do I need to marry that guy? He isn't a Christian, but he comes to church some and he seems kind of interested. He's smart and has a nice car... Oh, Lord, I know we can make each other happy!"
"God, show me if I need to keep being friends with this person. They bring me down spiritually and they never respect my convictions. But, I just feel I can't let them go."
"God, should I buy these $100 shoes? I know I haven't given any tithes and offerings lately, but You understand... right?? I mean, these shoes are on sale!!!!"
Okay, those are pretty kindergarten.
But seriously, don't pray about something that God's own Word would not approve of.
Don't contradict His Word just because of your selfish desires!
Don't try to be a Pastor if you've only preached a couple times.
Just because you went to Bible College doesn't mean God called you to Pastor.
Perhaps he did call you while you were there, but getting some diplomas doesn't make you "called."
(Or anointed.)
Don't try to pressure your husband to be a Pastor or preach just because you have dreamt of being a minister's wife.
Don't try to be something you aren't called to be.
Can you imagine if I told Grant I was led to be a linebacker in the NFL?
I would be miserable all my life because I would not only have every bone likely broken in my body, but I would be trying to fill a void with a made up "will" just because it sounded good and the money was right. No, God will not use someone like that. I have learned in my 28 years that life is not about me. It's not even about Grant or my kids or my closest friends. It's about me doing whatever I can in life to ADD TO GOD'S KINGDOM.
I have three kids at home that I will pour in to night and day until they hit 18 or married and my example is what will show them what it is to live for God. If I holler at Grant, Raylea and Arrow will grow up to be domineering and stubborn women whose husbands will be miserable. If Grant mistreated me and didn't lead me spiritually, Jack would grow up to be Grant Jr.

Our kids will be a mirror of what they saw in the home.

So, don't make church priority and neither will they.

I am not perfect, but I am truly striving with everything in me to live a life before them that will be real and acceptable to God. I believe they all three will have early salvations because they see it REAL in our home. Grant isn't a different man out of the pulpit. We all just got back from a youth camp where there were 74 decisions for Christ. Sure, that makes me proud that Grant preached a total of 6 times and led devotions once and twice a day, but more than that, it was seeing him read the Bible and go off alone to pray.
What are YOU doing to add to God's Kingdom?
Change is not always easy. Trust me. I get that. I'm there.
But, change is inevitable in all our lives and we have to come to a place where we hand the reigns over to God. Let Him in the driver's seat. Stop being that bossy kid telling the parent what you're going to do. Listen to the Lord and just say "okay," for once.
No, you might not be up on stage. You might not make as much money. You might even have to move to a different country. You may have to break up with that boy. Or stop trying to be friends with that person.

Perhaps you need to just start being a good wife. A good dad. A godly Christian.
I know I rambled a bit. My older two are watching Bambi and Arrow is napping while Grant is mowing our lawn. So, I had a silent moment.
Thanks for sharing it with me :)