Saturday, June 9, 2018

Cast It: Part One- Relationships

Today I'm going to share a simple thought I had yesterday while I was reading.
If you have time open your Bible and read the seventeen verses in Jonah, chapter 1.
Now, I'm going to zone in on a few verses.
12    And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.
13    Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land; but they could not: for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them.
15    So they took up Jonah, and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging.
17    Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah....
My simple nugget to give today is this. How often do we face a storm, feel stuck inside a cyclone so to speak, because there is something that is displeasing to the Lord in our boat?
There are many reasons you may be feeling uneasy, unhappy and unsettled in your spirit, day by day and night by night.
I will make this kind of a series.. (can you tell I'm married to a preacher?!)

The first Jonah you must give over to the Lord and cast into the sea for peace to come on your waters is.....
There is such a thing as an ungodly/unholy soul tie.
Maybe you justify the friendship because they are a Christian, or because they were your childhood best friend, or because you are family.
Listen, if someone is not drawing you closer to God, why do you have them actively in your life?
There is a big difference in witnessing to someone and showing them the love of God----
and being around someone who gossips about others (and I assure you, if they are talking about others to you, they are talking to others about you as well), always makes you feel worse about yourself and about your circumstances and is only your friend when it's convenient for them.
In Proverbs it says how iron is used to sharpen iron and how a friend will do that to you and vise versa.
You need to be selective with the men (if you're a man) and women (you ladies) you surround yourself with.
I had a friend a while back say her husband was justifying going on lunch dates with a coworker of the opposite sex. That is absolutely ridiculous in my personal opinion. I told her that too. She was asking for my advice... so I told her! Do not give place for the devil. I don't care if it's your pastor, youth pastor... if you are not closely related, don't be alone, even in public, when it comes to the opposite sex. Gives people the opportunity to talk, gives the devil a foot in the door and could just set you up for all sorts of failure.
I love that old saying. Show me your friends, I will show you your future.
If you spend a lot of your time around people who are toxic, you'll soon become that way.
If you spend your time with someone who doesn't hinder your relationship with God but rather, they encourage it, you'll soon be more of a nourishing friend yourself!
Remember, two are better than one. When one falls, the other is there to lift the other up. I am so thankful for those friends who have lifted me up. Who encourage me with their words. Who cover me with love rather than uncover me and tell others my faults or share my wounds, hurts, dreams and aspirations.
I have an 8 word question....
Do your friends want to be like you?
Or are you an example of what they strive to not be like...
..that's a humbling thought if you'll sit and answer that honestly..
Cast that relationship into the sea and give it to the Lord.
Let me explain.
Maybe it's a close friend. It's your dad. It's your mom. It's your sibling. It's your in-law. It's your aunt or uncle.
If you have tried, if you have sought peace and offered forgiveness or asked for it, and they still degrade you, you need to give them to the Lord. Be ready at all times to have arms wide open if they come back at a later date and seek peace with you.
If you're a Christian, that will be your desire. Peace with others.
Now, if you are that other person though, you are the one holding onto bitterness and you are being unforgiving and hateful and trying to get others to side with you... (I've seen and heard this happen one too many times) you need to ask the Lord to forgive you. Then, if possible, if they are still alive, go to them. Do what you can to make peace. Sometimes people will push you away, that's going to have to be something you are okay with. Look at all the people who rejected Christ, do you think you're any better? But, God is always there with arms open to anyone who wants a relationship with Him. And we should be NO DIFFERENT.

 Are you dating someone who pressures you to do ungodly things? I'm not just meaning sexually, but even the movies they watch with you or the music they play in their car. What goes in, will come out. That is why I'm a big believer in listening to what will glorify God, because my life will then do so much more easier.

Have heart to heart with that guy or gal. If they can't see where you're coming from, let them go. Trust me, they will find someone else to spend their evenings with and someone else who has no morals or maybe just no backbone.

Maybe you let down your convictions that you once had because the influence of a friendship. Once again, if they can't respect your values and convictions, you don't need to waste anymore time nourishing that ungodly soul tie. They will bring you down much sooner than you will lift them up.
Grant has given an illustration a few times where he stands on a chair or pew and has someone try to pull him down while he tries to pull them up. Never fails. The person can be half Grant's size, but they will pull him right down to their level. That is what the devil does when you link up with ungodly friends. He uses them and their influence to pull you down.

I used to idolize people who rejected me. I really did. I worried myself sick over people who I was never going to be good enough for. Or people who just didn't want to be Hannah's friend anymore. I took it personal. A lot more personal than I care to admit. God had to teach me a hard and, I'm not proud to admit this, but a long lesson, that I will not have everyone's approval. And if I have it, that doesn't mean it's there to stay. I will eventually do or say something that isn't just right or I will not be convenient anymore. I let my worth in other's eyes, define me for some time. God had to deliver me supernaturally from this not too terribly long ago.
I thank Him for this freedom. I thank Him for that lesson!
Pray this for yourself and for others.
Lord, I give you __________. Let me (them) draw close to You today. Free my (their) mind from rejection and unforgiveness. I want my heart only right and pure before You. You Lord, are who I will stand before one day, so clean and clear my heart, mind and soul in this moment. I lay it all down at Your feet. I cast this care onto you, I am not delivering it to you, but I am CASTING it. They are in your control. All people to come in my life who sharpen me spiritually and who I can sharpen. Remove people who will bring harm and discord. Prune and cut out relationships if they are going to bring down a path that is not in Your will for my life. Let me be thankful for this process, not bitter or angry or hurt. I thank You, Father, for being the friend who sticks closer than a brother. You are there when nobody else is. All friends will fail me at some time, even spouses, parents and children. And not only will they fail me, I will fail them! Allow me to look at my faults and my wrong doings more quickly than I look at others. Soften my heart and break down all walls that are between me and You.
In Jesus name.. Amen.

Notice in verse 17, the Lord had prepared a fish to swallow Jonah. God will take care of the issue, the person, the sin, if you will cast it out to Him. Stop trying to fix the person, stop trying to force them to love you, stop trying to make them serve God, stop trying to get them to accept your apology, stop trying to be friends with someone who is not at all for you but rather against you, stop taking them into your hands and cast them over to the One who made them. When you do, your boat will stop shaking so bad. You will see a rainbow after this storm.

There is sadly many relationships, mother/child, wife/husband, father/child, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend/friend... were there is abuse going on. The same advice applies, but you may need to take more action. If you're being hurt and you're in danger, seek godly help or call the police. Until this other person gets in a place where you can be around them and be safe, you need to remove yourself from their presence.