Saturday, April 25, 2015


This is most definitely a topic I have never written on.
Since this is my blog, and you have the choice to read it or not, I will give you a quick heads up, I am 100% against gay. Yes, I am also 100% against lying, cussing, cheating, gossip....
But for whatever reason I feel the need to write about this today.
Strongly, I might add.
I have read numerous scriptures that clearly state that being homosexual is wrong.
What someone may say to me is, "well, so is lying!" Thanks for that! Also, I don't lie.
Lying is wrong, but I would like to think if a Christian did that, they would be soon convicted, admit they did wrong, make it right and for sure ask God for forgiveness.
Now, a person who continually lies, that's a different story and they need to get right with God, too. ASAP.
But, I can write on lying another day if you would like, or gossip, or whatever.
But today, I am letting you know, incase you are blinded by the devil like so many, that being gay, queer, lesbian, homosexual.... that's wrong.
That isn't how God designed us.
You've heard it said I'm sure, "it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Well, I was about to fill this whole post up with scripture showing you how being homosexual is a sin, but I decided to make it simple. Which is how God wanted it to be!
MAN. and. WOMAN.
That's how you got here. You didn't get here because two guys got together and got pregnant. Nope. You have a MOM and a DAD.
I am not judging you if you are for gays or even if you are gay.
Just like I wouldn't judge a liar or a person who beats their wife.
GOD is the judge. Not me.
I am just a vessel He uses to write a little blog post every once in a while, trusting Him that someone will read what I wrote and be challenged by it.
You may think I'm old fashion. You may think I'm wrong.
But I promise you this, friend. I am right on this matter.
I am not perfect but I strive daily to be more Christ like.
I ask God if there is something in my life that is not pleasing to Him.
Because I am scared of God!
Because I am wanting to be holier than thou...
Because I want to blab my mouth when it isn't necessary...
No. None of those are the way it is.
The way it is, is this.
My life was bound for hell. My soul was bound for hell.
I grew up in a home where things weren't a walk in the park. My family had some issues. (And I'm sure yours does or has too, so don't be judgin'.)
My dad was an alcoholic. (Nothing good comes from alcohol, so if you think that's okay too, don't come up to me in person and ask me my opinion, because that's one thing you won't ever get me to shut up about. I HATE alcohol. And no, Jesus didn't drink alcohol. Stop trying to justify sin. Seriously.)
Home was not great. Dad drank. I was bound to end up just like him. Especially with the crowd I began hanging out with as a teenager.
I was 12 and my dad gave his life to God. He changed. Totally.
Then, one night at a church, at 17, I accepted Jesus into my heart. I found someone who loved me for who I was and who wanted the best for me. He died for me even when He knew I would hurt Him and not be perfect, He still died for me. That is why I serve Him. I serve Him whole heartedly and want you to also, because He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not my husband, not my kids. Jesus Christ. The ONE, TRUE and ONLY GOD.
You haven't gone too far. If you are in a homosexual relationship or you have those "tendencies," God did not give that to you. You weren't born that way. You are bound by Satan and his demons control your life and you must allow God to set you free. YOU hold the keys to your eternity and your happiness on this Earth. You don't have much time left, so please stop wasting it.
I want to see people accept God. Serve God. Love God.
That's why I write these posts. I don't get paid. I don't get a pat on the back. I usually have just a few people text and tell me they appreciated it or it challenged them.
I don't do this to please people. This isn't a major blog that thousands read and follow.
Honestly, I pray that if the rapture happens in my lifetime, or I die before I'm an old, old grandma...
I pray that some person searching for an answer will stumble across it and give their heart to God.
Just tell Him you're sorry. Turn from your sins. Seek Him daily. Read and pray.

Monday, April 20, 2015

My experience

Last summer the Lord laid it strongly on my heart that I needed to delete my Instagram account. Not that I was on it all the time... I don't exactly have tons of extra time.
As I type this, I am reaching over every few words to stick a pacifier back in my 6 month old sons mouth and rock him in his bouncy while the eyes in the back of my head watch my three year old across the house... while dishes are ready to be put away, clothes need washed, dinner needs started and my husband and I already did several hours of yard work first thing this morning.
God told me in my spirit that it was not necessary in my life and that I needed to focus my time and energy on Him, my husband, kids and all the duties of being a wife and mom. Not what everyone else was doing, the new outfit their kid had, the fancy restaurant they ate at, their new car, the flawless selfies, the .... you name it.
I deleted it for good and the same day my husband called the cable company and had them disconnect us. Cable was awesome to me because I had weather going almost all day! I am a weather nut if you don't know that about me... Raylea had some good shows and Grant had baseball and hunting. But, it was just something else robbing us of our time. Precious time. We said that day that we may get cable back one day, but we haven't ever discussed it since. That's been nearly eight months ago and we are still alive!
A few months later, I felt led to delete my Pinterest account. Same reasons. If I was bored I opened that app and honestly, 75% of the stuff on there is garbage. In Proverbs it says, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy...."
There is a lot of evil and pride in this world and I wasn't helping myself out by having Instagram or Pinterest.
Let me make this clear, I am not saying everyone who is a Christian needs to delete anything that is related to the outside world, but I am asking that you ask God if it is helping your Christian walk. If it isn't, why do you have it? Ask yourself that about the boy you're talking to. Is he helping your walk with God? No? Run then. What about the college you're attending? Is it helping your walk with God? No? Find somewhere that will. What about the book you're engrossed in? What about the clothes you're wearing? Are you wearing them to get attention? I'm talking to the modest girls too. Dress in a way that is pleasing to the LORD. Simply put, right? What about the friendships you have? What about the television shows you're hooked on? What about your hobbies?

Again, not everyone needs to delete their social media or get rid of cable. That isn't the point of this post. The point is to explain to you that I had to let something go that I enjoyed because God told me I needed to if I wanted to be closer to Him. That may be a boyfriend for you, or a hobby... just ask God and He will show you if there's anything in your life personally that needs to be removed. I have no idea what it is, so don't go off and delete stuff or break up with your boyfriend because of me! I'm just sharing my experience.

Well, I found a verse today that I decided will be the next verse I help Raylea memorize.
I love them who love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17
When I first read this, I immediately imagined someone waking at 5 in the morning to read, meditate and pray.
After I read it to her a couple times and then again to myself, I also imagined Raylea. A small child seeking God early in her life, not later on after she has "sown her wild oats", like so many choose to do. Raylea Jo already is learning what it means to love God by watching her dad and I. No, we aren't perfect, but we truly are getting better every day in every way and drawing closer to the Lord and we will lead our children to Him every day of our lives.

Raylea is seeking God early in her life and she will find Him!

You need to do the same. For yourself and for your kids. And grandkids.
People, I believe we have little to no time left to waste.
We need to take advantage of this time right now to seek God while He may still be found. There is a whole lot of Bible that we can read, memorize, meditate on and LIVE out every single day. I just want to challenge you, even if this only challenges one person, I will be thankful. I prayed for several minutes before writing this post that God would not only show me what to write, but the words as well. I always feel a sense of completion after I write a post that was from the Lord. And this is one.
Please, I beg you, stop looking at yourself, those around you, what you do or don't have, the size of your house, the year of your car, the brand of your clothes, the number of followers you have on Facebook or whatever. Stop looking at YOU. Focus on God.
It really is that simple.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My best friend and State Champs

A girl I was best friends with in school made it to State in track for the 100 meter dash.
That was great for her, but bad for me... being that I was in the same category and I was about one second slower.
I remember when that gun went off to start the race I had so much confidence. I wanted so bad to win because this girl was good at everything. Basketball, track, singing, had straight A's. The sin nature in me just wanted to have one up on her, if truth be told! I think she knew I wanted to win too, but being that she was extremely competitive, that wasn't going to come easy, even if I was her best friend! I knew I had never beat her before, so I have no idea what made me believe that would change when the gun went off that May afternoon!
I remember staring at her back and telling myself that I just need to pass her because I knew she was in first or second place. The more I stared at her back, I realized the further away she got. I wasn't even looking where I was going. I'm not sure what kept me from tripping over my own cleats as I sped down the track.
I didn't even finish in the top three. She got second place, if I remember right.
Point being, I lost focus.
I wanted so bad to beat my friend all because I felt I was entitled to win something that she didn't!
Well, she went home with a medal and I went home empty handed in that competition.
The same State competition, me and three other girls had made it to the final round of the 4x400. Each person has to run one time around the track. May sound easy, but it is one of the hardest races. Reason being, you sprint the first 100 to get your lead, the next 200 meters you slow it down slightly so you don't totally wear yourself out. The last 100, you give you all you have. Your legs literally feel like jelly. Me and these girls had trained all spring for this race. I was the third leg, which some say, that is the most important because if you're behind at all, they have the opportunity to catch up so the last person has a chance at winning the race for the whole team. Well, we were good. All four of us had that race down and we knew each girls' pattern of running well enough to know what to expect for our own pace.
The second leg was a twin, and the fourth leg was that girls' twin sister. When the first twin handed me the baton, I took off. That day, I couldn't remember all the team mates yelling and screaming encouraging cheers at me, I blocked them all out. I saw my coach yelling something, and I knew it was the same thing he yelled every time I ran, "pace yourself!!!" He knew I had a hard time doing that. I only heard my own heart beat and rapid breath. I didn't slow down for the middle 200, I sped up if anything. I was about to get to the other twin, the last leg of the race and I was nearly to pass out from exhaustion. She knew by looking at me that I was not able to catch her at her normal sprint so she had to slow down a little during our hand off.
She did the same thing I did. She sprinted the whole 400 meters. She passed a person who was a third leg on another team. I was crying at this point because I knew we had most definitely won a State Gold Medal. She finished strong and we all hugged as they announced that we set the new State record!
Now, our Christian walks are a WHOLE lot like those two races. One, we can be so caught up in everything around us. We have pride, jealousy, hatred, gossip, lying... you name it, keeping us distracted. We don't even see the finish line, just like how I didn't because I was staring at my team mates back!
We get thrown off course and can't even stay in the lines. We have the mind set in life that we have to have it better and newer and bigger than the other person. That is one of many reasons why I got rid of any form of social media. I felt like 99% of the people on there were comparing there "picture perfect" lives to others. And that's just not reality, people. Reality is the people inside the four walls who you live with every day. It's your grandparents you need to call. It's your spouse who is begging for your attention. It's your kids who want you to just sit and read a book to them.
Sin and just life sometimes has a way of getting us distracted.
What's distracting you? Are you afraid to even answer that question, in fear of that you may have to get rid of it to be closer to God?
Me and those three girls worked together. We trained together. We helped each other up when we would trip each other practicing our hand offs. We cheered each other on. We wanted the other one to succeed.
That's how it should be. I want friends in my life who want me to succeed. Don't you?? I want friends who care enough about me that they take time to pray for me and ask how I am. Not just talk to me when they need something or have something to say about somebody else. I want friends and I want to be the friend in which is trust worthy in every aspect. True friends will be there for you when it isn't convenient for them. Look at the hardest times in your life, and see who was there. Another good reminder, is if someone is always talking about others to you, trust me, they will talk about you as well. I say this from time to time, but I mean it. Be the type of friend that you want to have!
Stop trying to beat everyone in your life. That will leave you alone and empty. You'll never know true joy as a Christian if you are doing that. There will always be someone who is prettier, buffer, has a cooler car, bigger house and kids who are better behaved. So stop comparing. Or it'll never end and leave you bitter.
Instead, just love other people. Care about their hurts, trials and issues enough to stop and pray. To stop and send them a letter in the mail and remind them that you love them. To call them up and check on them instead of sending an easy text. Technology has made people so much less personable and their communication go down the drain. That's why I love sending cards. It is old fashioned these days, but it means so much more than a text in my opinion.
Stop staring at others and focus on the finish line and help those around you get across it, too.
This whole thing is almost over and you don't have time to do anything else but to be Christ-minded.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

David Gaston

I remember when I was a kid, I told everyone I liked the Kansas City Chiefs, well, because my dad liked them.
Someone said to me "you can't be a bandwagon fan with them!"
When I got older I figured out what that meant and that they were right.
My dad was born and raised in Arkansas. He met my mom there and work eventually brought them to Kansas. My dad has three younger siblings and two great parents.
I honestly have no idea when and where it started, but somewhere as a kid he drank.
Later, he turned into an alcoholic.
He was bound by the demonic drink until I was twelve.
I saw a change in him. A change that no meetings or counselor could cause him to do.
Suddenly, church was very important. Like, we didn't miss any event or service. Ever.
The question on a Sunday afternoon that some may ask their family members, "are we going to church tonight?" was never mentioned at my house.
I was telling someone a couple days ago that a huge reason why I got saved when I did, at 17, was because I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was a God and He was big. Only He could change a man's desires, plans and actions, the way He did my father's.
The same man who I sat in the passenger seat and waited while he went into the liquor store to purchase a 24-pack now comes over to see his grandkids as often as he can.
The same man who I sat with in our garage while him and his buddies played cards, smoked and drank now sits down with me and my husband and tells us about God.
The same man who used to have an anger problem is now the man who washed my feet at a feet washing service and told me how proud he was of me and that he approved of the woman I was becoming.
The same man who would yell at the TV when the Chiefs made a bad play (which was often,) now is at church while they are playing.
The same man who used to raise a can of beer to his lips on a regular basis now raises his hands praising God.
My dad was never mean to me. He never even yelled at me that I can recall. But he wasn't a man of God. He was on his way to hell. And he probably knew that.
When my dad got saved it didn't take him five years to quit cussing or ten years to stop running with his old buddies. It just all stopped... and that's what happens when you really get born again.
My dad is not a perfect man today, but he relies on the Lord in every step he takes. He truly knows the Bible, God's Holy Word, better than any man or woman I know of personally.
 I could ask him any question about a passage and he would give a great answer and explanation.
My dad is not the same man.
Maybe you need your son, daughter, parents, sibling, or maybe spouse to not be the same person.
Prayer, my friend.
Prayers changes everything.
Call on the Lord. He wants to hear your cries. He wants you to trust Him.
I believe one reason why my dad got saved when he did, is because I was able to be old enough to see him as two different people. I saw him when he was bound by sin and then I saw him fall into God's sweet grace and he has never been the same since. So, don't question God on why someone isn't being saved today, or tomorrow. Just know that your prayers are heard and you will see your lost saved.
HAVE a BLESSED Resurrection Day!