This is most definitely a topic I have never written on.
Since this is my blog, and you have the choice to read it or not, I will give you a quick heads up, I am 100% against gay. Yes, I am also 100% against lying, cussing, cheating, gossip....
But for whatever reason I feel the need to write about this today.
Strongly, I might add.
I have read numerous scriptures that clearly state that being homosexual is wrong.
What someone may say to me is, "well, so is lying!" Thanks for that! Also, I don't lie.
Lying is wrong, but I would like to think if a Christian did that, they would be soon convicted, admit they did wrong, make it right and for sure ask God for forgiveness.
Now, a person who continually lies, that's a different story and they need to get right with God, too. ASAP.
But, I can write on lying another day if you would like, or gossip, or whatever.
But today, I am letting you know, incase you are blinded by the devil like so many, that being gay, queer, lesbian, homosexual.... that's wrong.
That isn't how God designed us.
You've heard it said I'm sure, "it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Well, I was about to fill this whole post up with scripture showing you how being homosexual is a sin, but I decided to make it simple. Which is how God wanted it to be!
MAN. and. WOMAN.
That's how you got here. You didn't get here because two guys got together and got pregnant. Nope. You have a MOM and a DAD.
I am not judging you if you are for gays or even if you are gay.
Just like I wouldn't judge a liar or a person who beats their wife.
GOD is the judge. Not me.
I am just a vessel He uses to write a little blog post every once in a while, trusting Him that someone will read what I wrote and be challenged by it.
You may think I'm old fashion. You may think I'm wrong.
But I promise you this, friend. I am right on this matter.
I am not perfect but I strive daily to be more Christ like.
I ask God if there is something in my life that is not pleasing to Him.
Because I am scared of God!
Because I am wanting to be holier than thou...
Because I want to blab my mouth when it isn't necessary...
No. None of those are the way it is.
The way it is, is this.
My life was bound for hell. My soul was bound for hell.
I grew up in a home where things weren't a walk in the park. My family had some issues. (And I'm sure yours does or has too, so don't be judgin'.)
My dad was an alcoholic. (Nothing good comes from alcohol, so if you think that's okay too, don't come up to me in person and ask me my opinion, because that's one thing you won't ever get me to shut up about. I HATE alcohol. And no, Jesus didn't drink alcohol. Stop trying to justify sin. Seriously.)
Home was not great. Dad drank. I was bound to end up just like him. Especially with the crowd I began hanging out with as a teenager.
I was 12 and my dad gave his life to God. He changed. Totally.
Then, one night at a church, at 17, I accepted Jesus into my heart. I found someone who loved me for who I was and who wanted the best for me. He died for me even when He knew I would hurt Him and not be perfect, He still died for me. That is why I serve Him. I serve Him whole heartedly and want you to also, because He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not my husband, not my kids. Jesus Christ. The ONE, TRUE and ONLY GOD.
You haven't gone too far. If you are in a homosexual relationship or you have those "tendencies," God did not give that to you. You weren't born that way. You are bound by Satan and his demons control your life and you must allow God to set you free. YOU hold the keys to your eternity and your happiness on this Earth. You don't have much time left, so please stop wasting it.
I want to see people accept God. Serve God. Love God.
That's why I write these posts. I don't get paid. I don't get a pat on the back. I usually have just a few people text and tell me they appreciated it or it challenged them.
I don't do this to please people. This isn't a major blog that thousands read and follow.
Honestly, I pray that if the rapture happens in my lifetime, or I die before I'm an old, old grandma...
I pray that some person searching for an answer will stumble across it and give their heart to God.
Just tell Him you're sorry. Turn from your sins. Seek Him daily. Read and pray.
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