It is a noun and a verb.
Before God became Man and offered the Ultimate Sacrifice by laying down His perfect and sinless body to be killed for all mankind, millions of innocent lambs were sacrificed as an offering to God to cover one's sin.
That is just something I will never get over (or even completely understand) how ONE little drop of Jesus' blood will cover ALL my wrongs. Isn't that something. We complicate it so much by saying "oh, I have treated people so wrongly in ways I couldn't dare repeat! How could God forgive me?!" When in ALL reality, He died for the person who would molest their little innocent child for 10 years JUST as much as He died for the person who would lie on their taxes a time or two.
I read a verse that I have read or heard many times but it spoke to me in a new way recently.
It pricked my heart in a way that didn't feel good to my flesh but it felt good to my spirit.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
First off, look how this begins.
If my people,
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life and you're a born again Christian... you are HIS people.
which are called by my name,
When you become part of God's Family, you are called by HIS name, no other name.
shall humble themselves,
Humble. That's a blog post all on it's own. It's hard to come across humble souls this day and time. But they are out there.
The definition I found is "having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance."
When I was about 14 years old I went through a stage where I thought I was going to be the first ever female NFL coach. Yep, my brain had not completely developed at that point in life is my excuse...
but nevertheless, I loved football. My dad took me to some KC games and when they were going to play against the team T.O. was on, my dad had the genius idea for me to make a sign. He said "Hannah, T.O. always says, "I LOVE ME SOME ME. So, make a sign to hold up that says, I LOVE ME SOME CHIEFS."
During warm up me and my little brother, David, got as close to the field where the players were warming up at and yelled "T.O.!!" He turned, read the sign and shook his head with a smirk on his face. I'm not sure if you've ever been to any form of profession sporting event, but at Arrowhead Stadium there are big screens that show people in the crowd. They ended up putting me and my sign up on the big screen several times throughout the game. It was a fun memory.
A buddy of mine informed me that T.O. had a really rough childhood and regretted a lot of his actions in the NFL. This was just a funny example of being the opposite of humble. I want T.O. to get saved one day so if he for some reason read my blog I would want him to know I don't judge him for past behavior regardless! :)
Do you look at yourself as better than others?
When you pass a much more unfortunate person on the road who is holding a cardboard sign, do you put your nose up and look the other way and think to yourself, "well, I'm sure they are pretending to be homeless or they deserve this."
When someone is sick, do you go visit them and bring them some soup or some flowers?
When someone is stressed, do you add to it or do you find ways to eliminate hardships for them?
When someone is hurting, do you go to them and give them a hug and pray for them?
When you get dressed for the day, do you dress in way that says, LOOK AT ME, or... in a way that says LOOK AT GOD! If you're showing every curve and swerve, you're not too humble.
God made your body for your husband ONLY, so stop teasing everyone else with it.
When you go to church do you sit there and secretly critique every preacher or singer who gets on the stage? I would much rather listen to people sing who have a pure heart and motive than someone who is on stage so show off their talent. God can only use a pure hearted person to their full potential. Sure, He will use someone who isn't even a Christian if He choses to, but for there to be unity in a place, there needs to be purity of heart. Humbleness.
It also means, "of low social, administrative, or political rank."
If you are a social media person, don't look at how many "friends" you have on there. Very likely a good portion of them just want to be 'in the know' on your life. Don't count on all of them to be there when the going gets tough in your life.
and pray,
When is the last time you prayed and it wasn't as you were falling asleep, counting sheep all at the same time?
I was mostly convicted by these two little words. Yes, I am a wife, a stay at home mother (which is a 24/7 job that never gets a clocked out break) and I am currently 9 months pregnant, (going in tomorrow to have our little Arrow!) but that is ALL NO EXCUSE for me to not get down on my knees and spend time talking to God. Thanking Him. Crying out to Him. Being HIS friend. Loving Him.
It says in the Bible that where your treasure is there also is your heart... that is "my" version, but that is just what it means. If you love God, you'll want to spend time with Him. Not just at church three times a week in front of other people, but at home, when nobody is watching or listening.
and seek my face,
I try to find ways to make Grant happy. I try to keep the house as clean as possible. Make foods he likes. I attempt to hang his suits up correctly... I'm still working on that one. I try to meet his "love languages." I seek to find ways to be a good wife.
I do the same as mother.
Do I seek GOD'S face?
Do you seek His face?
We all take time to seek something in life.
Even if you are not a Christian and you're reading this, you are seeking something too.
Maybe it's a friendship. A relationship. A job. Money. A better home. Better career. Nicer wardrobe.
and turn from their wicked ways...
Sex. Lust. Porn.
Money. Jealousy. Hatred.
Proud look. Lying.
Evil thoughts and desires.
I could write forever... but you get the idea.
If you want God to heal your marriage, stop begging Him to heal "this land" if you aren't willing to sacrifice yourself in these areas I just mentioned.
Perhaps your "land" is a physical problem.
THEN He will hear, He will forgive, and He will HEAL.
Maybe your "land" in need of healing is insecurity. I have been there! I had to realize I was made by God and I began thanking Him for all my qualities and characteristics. I sought Him. I TURNED to Him instead of the mirror or others opinions.
He healed my land!
I am secure in knowing every part of me is AWESOME because GOD made me!
What is your land?
Are you willing to sacrifice yourself? Your time? Your social status? Your life?
This is a little deeper and more straight forward than my usual posts, but I woke up with this on my heart early.
When I die and go to be with the Lord, I want those who know me here on earth to say, "She loved God and she was humble."
What will people say of you?
And better yet... what does God see? He sees what others don't.
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